Trips and Visits

This is the page where we hope you'll tell us about other places. You  have to visit there and report back. This is sort of like "My Favorite Vacation,"  a feature that used to appear in one of our local newspapers.

Petersham, Surrey - England

My name is Katherine Buell, and I have lived in Petersham my whole life, as you can probably tell by my last name. Last year, I studied in London and made it a point to visit Petersham, Surrey, while I was there. I took a bunch of photos and could give them to you if you would like. I can tell you that Petersham, Surrey has a St. Peter's church and a Country Club, just like our Petersham. It really is a beautiful little village outside of London.
Katherine Buell

Dear Katharine:
As you know, Petersham in England is west of London, near Richmond and Ham,  in a bend of the Thames.  The Common is bigger than ours. Petersham has long been a vacation spot for royalty. Large Victorian homes on large yards. Have an excellent curry at the Fox and Duck Pub. Oddly, Petersham Road runs through the middle of the town. A really pretty place. Petersham in Sydney, Australia, has been overtaken by  city sprawl and has no village flavor left.