Winter 2013

Meet the Neighbors

alan bachrach

forand Jean Forand of Athol is our assistant librarian.


lynne hartman Lynn Hartman
If you have a question about herbs or seedlings --or you
just need a place for a banquet or a wedding, ask Lynn.

anne perkins
Anne Perkins was involved in politics, the Branch Alliance, Lions and more

larry buell
Larry Buell
If you need information about our history, ask Larry

deb bachrach
Deb Bachrach manages the animal shelter

jane duderstadt
Jane Duderstadt grows some mighty fine tomatoes

ken levine
Ken Levine keeps things in the frame

Ruth Robinson  Ruth Robinson
is a mainstay of Petersham Grange No. 95.
She also volunteers at the Barre Family Health Center

ron dejackome Ron Dejackome -
When this guy talks about pet rocks, he means PET ROCKS!

betty davis Betty Davis
told our stories to the Barre Gazette and moved to Philadelphia

s youd Sheila Youd
- is a Master Gardener

Dick Nickless

West Road,  was our Town Moderator for 48 annual town meetings.
Possibly, that is some sort of a record.


 ... and Thanks

Every so often, you and I run into someone who deserves a thank you. That's what this page is for. Send Us an E-mail when you find one and we'll put them right here.

... and Thanks to Beth Cummings for the idea, several years ago, that she and her neighbors could just get together for a walk around the Old Main's mile on West Street. She did and they have done that annually on the Fourth of July ever since.

Her walk turned into a bona fide parade with local floats, music and the whole nine yards. It was the only 4th of July Parade in the North Quabbin region. Damn fine time, we'd say. Thanks Beth

Rik Marsh,  West Street,- Runs the Easter Egg Hunt  and Fourth of July parade every year, helps out at the dump and serves as a Selectman.

Tom Pugliese, Main Street - Home builder, Dad.  

So that's it for now. Thanks.

 Send Your Thoughts to the Common


  So write us about it.